Don’t just hire an exterminator

Expertise Developed Through Years of Experience

Nothing can threaten your reputation quit like a pest infestation. Since our inception QSS Quick Service Solutions has been helping businesses keep pest in their place using the latest technologies and the best trained professionals in our industry QSS Quick Service Solutions has been in the business long enough to thoroughly understand the changing client requirements, which enables us to provide customized and effective integrated Pest Management (IPM) program regardless of the type of industry. Trust your pest management to the best and join the countless businesses in Kingdom that have made same choice.
In years of experience, we reaffirm our commitment: that of providing comprehensive, one-stop solutions in our field of expertise.
QSS Pest Control for All RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL It’s Easy to Get the Best Service in Town.
  • EXPERIENCED after more than a decade in business, there is almost no environment we haven’t worked in, or pest problem we haven’t encountered.
  • RELIABLE Scheduled service when you need it, provided by the best-trained pest specialists in the industry, so the job will be done right. If you need us between service visits, we’re there within 24 hours, guaranteed.
  • COMPLIANT From conventional to IPM, we are already familiar with your compliance requirements and well-versed in all the activities and paperwork required to meet them.
  • WELL-DOCUMENTED our reporting system gives you real-time service data and reports
  • Our method of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a collective and ongoing cycle of three analytical activities that help keep pests in their place:
  • Assess the situation, Apply a customized solution, Monitor, document and communicate
  • In addition to our standard Integrated Pest Management (IPM) service, we offer a variety of specialized services for all type of properties using the latest technologies and the best trained professionals in our industry.
  • Member of National Pest Management Association- USA & British Pest Control Association
  • An ISO 9001:2015-Certified company (with all quality management compliance)